
Russell T avatar image
Russell T asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Bypass lane using photo eyes

I'm creating a conveyor line with a bunch of spurs. Currently, I'm randomly assigning items to these spurs and want a photo eye to redirect items if the spur becomes full. If a spur becomes full, I want the Decision point to redirect the item to an empty spur or if all of the spurs are full, redirect them to a recirculation point. In my model, I'm representing the recirc point with a sink.

Any help is appreciated, I'm brand new to the software. Thanks!

Conveyors w PE.fsm

FlexSim 25.0.1
conveyorsphoto eyes
conveyors-w-pe.fsm (46.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I would not send items to a spur unless there will definitely be space for them when they arrive. To achieve this, you can keep a list of available spaces. When an item arrives at the DP, a token in Process Flow tries to pull one of the spaces. If successful, the item is send there. If not, nothing happens and the item will continue to the sink at the end.


This does mean that an item that could not pull a space will always move to the sink, even if a spur becomes available while it's still travelling. You can further enhance the logic by keeping a "Position" label on the item. This allows to keep the token trying to pull a space until the item arrives at the sink because the position label can be used to filter for spurs the item can still reach from its current location on the conveyor.


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