
SHASHIKUMAR. V avatar image
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SHASHIKUMAR. V asked Sam Stubbs commented

How can i call back flow item with same conveyor ? (Like Bi Directional Conveyor).

The conveyor allows item move from input to output port, I want to call back the same item to input without allowing sink.

FlexSim 16.1.2
conveyorsbi-directional conveyorduel conveyortwo way conveyor
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Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Sam Stubbs commented

Dear Shashikumar,

Here is a related link.


Arun KR

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Other possible objects and methods to consider are

  • flow nodes,
  • kinematics,
  • hidden Taskexecuters with and without a network,
  • two conveyors at the same location switching on the visibility of the 3D shape and transferring the items to the second conveyor. You have to delete the events of the previous used conveyor.
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