
Gui Vaccaro avatar image
Gui Vaccaro asked Joerg Vogel commented

Process Flow Move Object vs Closed Input Port: Tokens Are Not Held


Please see the attached model. It mimics a behavior I want to confirm: when objects are sent to an entry transfer via a "Move Object" activity, the state of the destination's input port does not matter. I.e., even if the input ports are closed, the move object will still send the objects instead of holding the tokens until the ports are re-open.

One can hold the tokens using a resource, etc. etc. but this creates a disconnect between the 3d objects and the process flows.

Is this an intended behavior (if so, what application justifies it?) or something to be improved?

Thank you for the clarification.

Move Object vs Closed Port Problem.fsm

FlexSim 25.0.2
processs flowconnectionsinput portmove object
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Yes, it is.

You can bypass Send To 3D logic mechanism easily by moveobject or by an unload or fixed resource unload task.
There is a 3D logic Flow Chart for a standard Fixed Resource flow mechanism. You can mimic this fully in Process Flow, but you can still bypass it. That is Process Flow benefit to build a logic completely independent from 3D default flow mechanism.


A default structure would consist of releaseitem. Act on Send To Port to check if a destinations port is available. Move item if port is available by receiveitem otherwise don’t move it.

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