
Gay Reginelli avatar image
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Gay Reginelli asked Ben Wilson edited

What versions of AutoCad are compatible with FlexSim?

Specifically, I'm looking for information on FlexSim 7.1, 7.3, and 7.5.

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

FlexSim uses the Open Design Alliance library for importing AutoCAD's proprietary formats. The best information I can find on what versions are supported comes from this document.

  1. "The Open Design Specification for .dwg files serves AutoCAD’s undocumented and proprietary DWG file format. This specification includes DWG file format versions 13 up to and including version 2013."

So any .dwg version from AutoCAD version 13 (1994) through 2013 should be compatible for importing into FlexSim (see this article regarding AutoCAD's version history).

AutoDesk's knowledge base indicates that any version of AutoCAD can save as an older version, so if there is incompatibility with a drawing saved in a newer AutoCAD version, you can save your drawing to an older .dwg standard by exporting from within AutoCAD itself.

Please see FlexSim's user manual (Help > User Manual) under the topic "3D Media/Importing AutoCAD Drawings" for considerations on optimizing your drawing files for use within FlexSim.

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