
Matheus Rosa avatar image
Matheus Rosa asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How can I make visible again an item that I've already made hidden before?

I am working on a production line with custom shaped conveyors, as I can't change the default conveyor shape, I am importing my 3D file (custom conveyor) into a "BasicFR". After positioning everything I hid the default conveyor feature so I can simulate the product running over my custom one. However I have to add some more features and also connect them to the conveyor but I cannot see it anymore and I don't know how to make it visible again.

Thank you.

FlexSim 16.0.1
hide and unhide objects
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

There's a Find Objects panel that you can open through the View menu. That panel lists the objects in the model and lets you search for a specific name. Once you've found your object in the list, select it and click the center in view button. Double clicking on any of the cones or clicking the more properties button in Quick Properties will bring up the properties for the object.

You can also find your object in the tree view and similarly open the properties.

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