Arrival Sequence:
Part Name ItemType Quantity BatchSize
aa 1 6 2
bb 2 8 5
cc 3 30 6
Items are sent to the combiner based on arrival sequence. First, 2 items of type1 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to the upstream processor. Quantity column get updated to 4. This process repeats until the quantity column for type1 reaches zero. Next, 5 items of type2 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to the upstream processor. Quantity column get updated to 3. Since, for the next step to occur, 5 items of type2 are required for batching, but are not available (Quantity has only 3 items), So only 3 items of type2 will be sent for batching. Quantity column gets updated to zero. Now, 6 items of type3 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to the upstream processor. Quantity column get updated to 24. This process repeats until the quantity column for type3 reaches zero.
Please help me simulate the scenario. When I use the combiner, batching does not occur as desired.