
Jefferson Junio Santos avatar image
Jefferson Junio Santos asked Sam Stubbs commented

Make A batch Item

I new in Flesim, I have a doubt,

1. After my processor I need Acumulate. (16 and 16 Items) and after I acumulate this all 16 items (Like a Batch) need to go to another processor.

My doubt is I need to use Queue, or Combiner? And how I can do this

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1 Answer

Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro answered Sam Stubbs commented

If the 16 items will be processed one by one by the second processor use the queue otherwise use the combiner:

  • the queue stores the items until they reach the amount of 16 then releases them
  • the combiner puts all the items together and you can choose between
    • pack: you need a pallet in input at the port 1 of the combiner, and specify you want 16 elements from the input port 2 (the processor)
    • join: make two connections from the processor to the combiner and specify you want 15 items from the port 2; these 15 items will be destroyed and just the one coming from the input port 1 will be released to the second processor.
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