
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
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Lilian Fonseca asked Adrian Haws commented

Transporter between queue and sink


In the model attached, the batched flowitems were supposed to be transported from the Queue 30 to the following Output (sink) by the Fork Lift. However, right after they arrive in the queue, they just disappear. How can I solve this issue?

FlexSim 16.0.1
robotlineissue.fsm (9.8 MiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Adrian Haws commented

You need to check the Use Transport checkbox. Otherwise it just sends the item through the port connection instantaneously.

usetransport.png (19.1 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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Lilian Fonseca avatar image Lilian Fonseca commented ·

Is it normal for the robot animation to look like it is not carrying all of the batched flowitems per once? The animation between the combiner and the queue looks very weird...

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws Lilian Fonseca commented ·

@Lilian Fonseca I've reposted this second question here, as we try to keep each individual question separate. This is a link to the best practices for using this Answers site, as it is new.

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