
Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr asked Matthew Gillespie edited

If type and loop condition in ProcessFlow

Dear Support,

How to model an if type condition and loop condition using process flow ?

Note- Without using custom code activity


Arun KR

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flow
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

The Decide activity is your basic if statement, but you can also use things like the Max Wait Timer on the Pull from List for certain kinds of if conditions.

Looping will usually be done with a connector that loops back up to a top activity. You'll probably use a Decide or some sort of if activity to decide when to get out of the loop.

You can also use the Run Sub Flow activity to represent things like looping through all the items on your item label. See this question for an example.

A lot of this will depend on the specific thing you're trying to model, so feel free to ask about specific cases.

ifexample.png (7.6 KiB)
loopexample.png (11.0 KiB)
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