
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked Sam Stubbs converted comment to answer

How to write code in

I'd tried to write source code in an answer. But the format divers between editing mode and released answer. Could you give me an advice, how many characters a line consists of or how can I format my code?

released answer code

formated code in editor of the answer site

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

Unfortunately, there's no really easy way to format it. The length of characters across is determined by window size and zoom. I've found that if you are copying and pasting from somewhere else, it helps if you click on the code button first and insert it there, rather than just paste it as text and highlight it and then click the code button. Also it usually helps if I paste (or type it up) in something like Notepad first, and get the formatting closer to what I want there before pasting it in the comment.

But as for the difference between the displayed text and the text entered in the comment field, I'm not quite sure how to reconcile those easily.

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