
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked Sebastian Hemmann commented

how can I find answers correlated to a version here at answers?

The answers here at are related to different versions. If I search for a keyword I get all the information of all matching answers. But I want to get answers only to Version 17 or newer. How can I accomplish this? Is there a filter or sorting algorithm I can use on the results of my search?

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Sebastian Hemmann commented

It is too bad that we don't have a more powerful advanced search on this site. Luckily Google has a very powerful search engine we can leverage.

Specific Version

The following Google search looks for any posts marked specifically for FlexSim version 17.1.1 and related to conveyors:

"Version: FlexSim 17.1.1" conveyor

By putting the version you're interested in within quotes, it tells Google to search this text strictly. The "conveyor" term is the general term I'm looking for, and "" limits results just to our site.

Version Range

According to Google's search techniques for refining web searches, the following is an appropriate way to search across a range of versions:

"Version: FlexSim 17.0..17.1" conveyor

Where you specify the boundary versions separated by two dots (..).

Version Minimum (no max)

If you want to specify a lower bounding version, but leave the max version undefined, the following search seems to do the trick:

"Version: FlexSim 16.2.." conveyor

By simply leaving off the max version after the two dots, Google returns results for 16.2, 17.0, and 17.1 versions (and I presume in the future 17.2 and 18.0, etc, once such results exist).

Google's search techniques page also offers other helpful tips for constructing powerful, customized searches.

Hopefully these example searches will be helpful.

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