
S. Cardinali avatar image
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S. Cardinali asked Phil BoBo edited

How do I display a 3D Texture to a custom .3ds model?

3d modeltexture3ds max
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Phil BoBo edited

So I looked at the object and the texture. There are two ways to accomplish what you're trying to do. First, is to load the texture you want directly into the 3D shape in whatever 3D editing software you're using. The other way, is to have an object have dynamic loadable textures in FlexSim, is to add a png file named "fstx.png" attached as the texture to your model (This is also done in your 3D modeling software) With the fstx.png file attached to your model, FlexSim will be able to load other textures onto the model from within FlexSim.

You can find out about this information in the user manual under 3D Media > Preparing a 3D file. Under the section of "Getting the Object's Texture to Bleed Through:

"Getting the Object's Texture to Bleed Through

For .3ds and .ac files, you can also have the FlexSim object's defined texture show up on the shape instead of the texture defined in the file. To do this, just add a texture named "fstx.png" to the object in your 3D software."

I've reattached your 3D shape with the fstx.png method applied to it using AC3D. If you load this torus shape into FlexSim, you can change its 3D texture dynamically.



test-2.png (130.0 KiB)
torus.3ds (14.9 KiB)
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