
Kaspar Chabot avatar image
Kaspar Chabot asked Kaspar Chabot commented

Photo eye edit selected objects


I noticed some things were off when trying to copy variables from highlighted Photo Eyes into selected Photo Eyes.

For example. when trying to copy the 'conveyorPoint' variable into selected objects, nothing happened and suddenly the distance on conveyor setting in the properties boxes of the selected Photo Eyes grayed out. I also wasn't able to copy triggers from a highlighted Photo eye into a selected Photo Eye.

It's easy to get by if you just copy and paste the code, but I found I lost a lot of time when trying to edit around 90 Photo Eyes on the multilevel conveyor system that I'm simulating.

FlexSim 16.2.1
photo eyeconveyor moduleedit selected objectsphoto
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Kaspar Chabot commented

I'm not sure why you were trying to copy conveyorPoint variable to other photoeyes. That doesn't really make sense. The conveyorPoint is just a coupling of that conveyor the photoeye is on, and the point along that conveyor where that photoeye is. It sounds like if you're trying to have the same logic on 90 different photoeyes that you should be using a photoeye type. Just like you can have conveyor types you can have photoeye types, that all behave with similar logic

petype.png (41.0 KiB)
· 1
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Kaspar Chabot avatar image Kaspar Chabot commented ·

Yes, I realized I made a mistake there. I thought the conveyorPoint was the 'Distance Along Conveyor' setting. I still feel like working with PEtype doesn't always seem worth it when just a few triggers have slightly different logic. Overall the functionality could be a little bit easier to handle. E.g. the copying of triggers from different (types of) photoeyes didn't work for me unless copy/pasting the code itself.

And of course it would be nice to have a variable that can set the distance along the conveyor.

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