
Gabriel illescas Cavazos avatar image
Gabriel illescas Cavazos asked Jeanette F commented

I need pack 1 until 6 products when the pallet arrived to combiner

if (port==1) { treenode thelist = getvarnode(current,"componentlist"); treenode thesum = getvarnode(current,"targetcomponentsum"); setnodenum(thesum,0); int cantidad_carga1= getlabel(current,"combinar1"); setnodenum(cellrowcolumn(thelist,1,1),cantidad_carga1); inc(thesum,cantidad_carga1); int cantidad_carga2= getlabel(current,"combinar2"); setnodenum(cellrowcolumn(thelist,2,1),cantidad_carga2); inc(thesum,cantidad_carga2); }

FlexSim 16.2.1
combinerupdate component list
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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered

Your code works if you replace cellrowcolumn with gettablecell. cellrowcolumn is a deprecated command.

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Het avatar image
Het answered Jeanette F commented

Combiner practise.fsmI have follow-up question. I am trying to pack 2 bottles in a box. But at the end of combiner box seems packing only 1 bottle. and 2nd bottle is hovering on the box. I have shared the model. Could you please check what I did wrong?


1706127677838.png (123.1 KiB)
1706127689469.png (45.3 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

The box is a basic flow item - you should be using a container flowitem that knows it should pack items inside it (eg. tote or pallet) using a packing method. If you need to change the shape you can do so.

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Het avatar image Het Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Make sense.Thanks Jason.
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Het avatar image Het Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hello @Jason Lightfoot

So, This time I used tote and changed graphics to open box as you can see here. However, Bottles are not get aligned in a box. Is there a simple coding I need to use in packaging methods?

Combiner practise.fsmSans.skp1706202332196.png

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sans.skp (11.2 KiB)
Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ Het commented ·
Hello @Het ,

Please follow our best practices and start a new post. You can reference this one in your new post if needed.

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