
Brad Champeau avatar image
Brad Champeau asked Sam Stubbs commented

How do I split conveyor flow?

I am trying to connect the exit of one conveyor to the entrance of two other conveyors. I am using the "a" connection function. The software does not seem to allow this. How do I make these connections?

conveyor transfer
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Sam Stubbs commented
@Brad Champeau

A sample model of what you are trying to accomplish would be helpful. But what you describe can be done (see attached model).

In the model, I connect Conveyor1 to Conveyor2 with the A-Key. Then I connect Conveyor1 to Conveyor3 with the A-Key. It appears that there is only one exit node from Conveyor1 but in reality, there are two. If you click and drag on the exit node on Conveyor1 you will see that there are two nodes. So I dragged an exit node on Conveyor1 so that the nodes were separated. Then I connect, with the A-Key, the exit node that is connected from Conveyor1 to Conveyor2 and connect it to the input node of Conveyor3. Then I delete the exit node on Conveyor1 that goes to Conveyor3. So there is now only one exit node on Conveyor1 that is connected to both Conveyor2 and Conveyor3. Then in the Conveyor1 exit node, I chose Round Robin and the Send To Port option. This will alternate the sending of flowitems to Conveyor2 and Conveyor3.

I hope all of that made some sense? Take a look at the attached model and see if this is what you were trying to accomplish.


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