
Karthik Reddy avatar image
Karthik Reddy asked Karthik Reddy commented

AGV process flow dispatcher strategy

I want the same result as dispatcher PASS TO strategy ("Pass to closest TE if available") when using default AGV process flow template. Where I need to include that query in the process flow template that says Get the nearest parked AGV to the item ? Please have a look at the attached model.agv-process-flow-query.fsm

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Nadavalur Sarath Kumar,

Did @Jörg Vogel answer your question?

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Karthik Reddy commented

In a large model this strategy won't work well, because it doesn't take into account that an AGV will become available in the time another AGV has already received the transport task sequence. Actually you have to create a forecast of the unload stations, time and travel time when the AGV becomes available again. If you find a suitable AGV you delay the dispatching of the tasksequence until the nearest AGV becomes available.

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Karthik Reddy avatar image Karthik Reddy commented ·

Sorry, I was busy in some other work and haven't checked the forum. But the solution provided by @Jorg Vogel is quite complicated with process flow as I am very new to that module. So I chose to use network nodes and TEs. But I think this AGV strategy should be included in the default AGV process flow template that is provided with the software as normal AGV follows this methodology in the real time.

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Michael avatar image Michael commented ·

@Jörg Vogel does the Dispatcher object have some of that functionality built in?

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