
Abhishek K avatar image
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Abhishek K asked Abhishek K commented

Release Equipment/Location/Staff in People Resources - Flexsim 2018

I am trying to build a model in Flexsim 2018, in which a person takes a cart from Point A to Point B.

Person - Staff

Cart - Equipment

Point A, B - Locations

When I build it in normal process flow in 2017 version, I assigned resources to tokens and then I create a task sequence to move all the entites as needed.

In Flexsim 2018, when I assign staff, equipment and locations to tokens, it works as required, but it wont release the equipment/staff/locations from the tokens. The token still has all the staff/equipment/location assigned to it after passing thru the release steps.

In the tutorial I saw that these are assigned to current(Instance Object). But when I try to do it with that method, the token has no information on it and I dont know what is happening. The model is attached.2018-trial-people-resources.fsm

FlexSim 18.0.0
people module
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Abhishek K commented

The People Resource activities (Acquire and Release Location/Staff/Equipment/Transport) only work correctly for People objects (Location/Staff/Equipment/Transport). In your model you're using queues, operators, and task executers instead of locations, staff, and equipment. You need to either use people objects or stop using the People Resource activities and instead use a Resource or List to manage resources. The People SubFlow activities (like Move Equipment) can be used with most 3D objects however.

The tutorial tells you to use an instanced (not a General) process flow which you aren't doing in this model. An instanced flow creates a new instance for each object attached to it. This lets you have a separate instance of the process flow for each created person flowitem. You use current to refer to the instance of the flow in this case.

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