
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Ryan Clark commented

How to measure number of people in a designated area?

In the attach sample model I try to measure how many people are in the red corridor VS time.

I added a bogus object (scale) at each end of the corridor to mark them in the Process Flow and use Zone Statistics. But zone Statistics does not seem to work. Why?

Also, is there any way of doing this without the bogus objects?

I know I could manually count when people arrive at the object and write the info in a table but the Zone Stats seemed the right tool for the job.



FlexSim 18.1.1
people modulezone statistics
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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Patrick Cloutier commented

Since the Patient Track is an instance process flow, there isn't a single zone created, but a zone created every time a person/instance of it is created, so you cannot use zoning in this case that I am aware of. I was able to track the amount of people by adding a custom codes when they enter and leave the red corridor that increments and decrements a tracked variable "People" which I was able to pull statistics out of it, it does struggle with a good people over time exactly because it checks when the value changes only. Hope this helps.12139-measure-corridor-occupation-change.fsm

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Karen Measells avatar image
Karen Measells answered Ryan Clark commented

Could this response be updated for the HC 2022 version?


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