
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to connect People to path network with People Module logic ?

I created a model like in the People Module tutorial with the Process Flow but I'd like to use Network Nodes instead of Astar to control them. How can I connect the People to the Path and make them follow the path right from the first Entrance Door? I use CreatePerson to that door but that doesn't attach the person to the Node.


FlexSim 18.1.1
network nodespeople modulepath
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Here are the two easiest ways:

1) Create the person in the Network Node connected to the entrance instead of the entrance itself. Doing this tells the CreateObject activity in the CreatePerson's inner flow to create the patient at that network node and to connect him to the network.

2) Use the reassignnetnode command. You could do this in a Custom Code activity right after creating the person, or you could do it in the OnExit trigger of the entrance. You would use code like this, (copied from the TaskExecuter as FlowItem pickoption):

  1. treenode netnode = getnetnode(current, 1);
  2. if (objectexists(netnode))
  3. reassignnetnode(person, netnode);
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