
Fatimah EA avatar image
Fatimah EA asked Fatimah EA edited

Can the same trigger (on the same Activity Started Trigger) be used only once?

For instance I want to reserve multiple Locations through the Activity Started Trigger for one patient, so I set two "Reserve a Location" triggers. Only the first one is considered though. So instead of blocking both DressingRooms it blocks only the first. So I assume the same Patient can't block multiple Locations at once?

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
triggersactivity started trigger
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Fatimah EA edited

Yes, the same trigger can be used twice, but a single patient can only have one reserved location at a time. So both triggers are being fired, but in the end only one of the locations is reserved for the patient.

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Fatimah EA avatar image Fatimah EA commented ·

Thank you Matthew, I already thought so just wanted to check. Is there anyway around that? I really need to block those Rooms as long as someone is in the CT or PrepArea but so far I haven't found a suitable solution for that.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Fatimah EA commented ·
@Cliff King Any ideas?
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Fatimah EA commented ·

It sounds like the main thing you're trying to do is to stop other patients from acquiring the other room. In that case you can tell the object to close its input ports and then no other patient should be able to acquire it. You can do this by using the Stop Flow pickoption in an Activity Started/Finished trigger. Then use the Resume Flow option when you want to unreserve it.

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Fatimah EA avatar image Fatimah EA Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

Yes I had tried this too and while the Stop Flow trigger works it doesn't resume the flow even though I set it. I assume I did something wrong there?

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