
ANIL KUMAR N avatar image
ANIL KUMAR N asked Ben Wilson answered

data from database is not importing to globalTable

Data not importing from the given table. Test connection succeeded. Data importing from some other table in the database but not importing from given table. Why I don't understand. Please help me.

FlexSim 18.1.1
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered


If FlexSim is successfully importing from a different table in the database, it should be able to import from any other table in the same database.

Here are some things to check:

  • Table name is spelled 100% correctly, no typos, case-sensitive?
  • The DB table contains data? (not an empty table?)
  • Does the GlobalTable1 exist? There are no problems with it?

Maybe @anthony.johnson has some other ideas.

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