
Jirawat J avatar image
Jirawat J asked Sebastian Hemmann edited

Problem on transport and network node command?

I tried to create a model of a transport ran from source to sink by using the network node route. However, i didn't want the transport to come back at the same route of network node. I wanted it to come back directly from sink to source and ran to the same network node route.

How can I do that? I already did "No connection" command in the network node, but it appeared to be errors. How do I suppose to do?

The attach file is below.


FlexSim 19.1.0
flexsim commandsflexsim users manualtransportnetwork node
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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
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Sebastian Hemmann answered Jirawat J commented


you are looking for the "D" connection type between Network nodes. If you press the "D" button and connect Networknodes another connection is created that allows TE´s to enter the network on another point than it uses for going offset.

"D" connections also can be one direction. Easiest way is to deconnect the nodes once by pressing the "E" button.


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Jirawat J avatar image Jirawat J commented ·

I got it! Thank a lot :)

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Jirawat J avatar image
Jirawat J answered Sebastian Hemmann edited


I have a new problem on Network Node that I want to make 2 TE run at the separate routes, but I honestly don't know how to do so. It'd be very helpful, if you can help on this.

Here are the attach files.


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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann commented ·

@Jirawat J

Could you please accept the answer (so everybody knows that this question is answered), create a new question in another thread (maybe anybody else has a faster and smarter solution) and please explain more exactly what you want?

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