
Jirawat J avatar image
Jirawat J asked Sebastian Hemmann commented

Problem on network node in separated routes

I have a new problem on Network Node that I want to make 2 TE run at the separate routes, but I honestly don't know how to do so. It'd be very helpful, if you can help on this.

1. I want TE1 to run in the network node above that I didn't mark in the picture

2. I want TE2 to run in the network node where I already marked in the picture

Here are the attached files


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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered Sebastian Hemmann commented

So I understood your question, that you are looking for a second network. So attached is a model where I´ve created another (2nd) Network.


· 4
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Jirawat J avatar image Jirawat J commented ·

Is using Dispatcher the only way? Are there any possible solutions for this problem? If I don't want to use the Dispatcher

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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann Jirawat J commented ·

There are many. Please explain why you don´t want to use the Dispatcher!?

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Jirawat J avatar image Jirawat J Sebastian Hemmann commented ·

No, I didn't mean that I don't want to use the Dispatcher. I'm just curious about other possible solutions.

Ps. I already used the Dispatcher, and it worked. That's why I want to know more ;)

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