
Alex H4 avatar image
Alex H4 asked Alex H4 commented

Process Flow stops running on Task Executor travel task

The OP10_Load process flow I have created for the system stops running around 7075 seconds. It works correctly before that time and then stops suddenly with a flow item in the OP10_Load queue. Why is this happening?

FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowqueuetask executer
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Alex H4 commented

Looks Like you've got a Delay Time 0 infinite loop happening right here:

You can tell because, first when the model stops you can open the event list and see that this token wants to finish a delay activity that is almost exactly the same as the current clock time, and second because if you use the step button you can see the token constantly moving from the Delay to the OP10Content to the Decide and so on, without moving the clock. So basically each time the token cycles around it's creating an event to end the delay time, which is essentially like having infinite events because nothing else can happen while the token is cycling.

So this is Delay for zero, decide, repeat is something that sounds Ok logically in theory but this type of out of control loop is almost always the result and you should avoid it. If I'm reading the activities right, it looks like you want to do something if the Queues OP10 or 20 receive a flowitem, in which case it may be better to listen to the OnContentChange trigger of the queue and execute your activities then.

infiniteloop.png (52.8 KiB)
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