
zhuqing D avatar image
zhuqing D asked gilbert jerald commented

How to make AGV to load at designated location(PickupPoints)

I want to do a model that AGV pick up the item from rack at designated location,There is a PickupPoints in front of each bay,I want to implement the following function:

The first bay of item is loaded at the first PickupPoints,the second bay of item is loaded at the second PickupPoints,and so on.

help me,thanks very much!1128.fsm

FlexSim 18.1.2
agv network
1128.fsm (24.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered gilbert jerald commented

@ zhuqing D


As per your constraint, I have modified your model, in which AGV will pick up each item from the rack with respect to the bay and PickupPoints. I have attached the model for your reference have a look at it.



suport-rack-agv.fsm (36.2 KiB)
· 5
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zhuqing D avatar image zhuqing D commented ·

thank you very much!

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zhuqing D avatar image zhuqing D commented ·

Hello, I did it again according to your model, but there is a problem and I don't know where the problem is. Can you help me to have a look?


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1205.fsm (34.6 KiB)
gilbert jerald avatar image gilbert jerald zhuqing D commented ·


The problem is,

1) In Pull from List >OnWaitTimerFire>Release token tab you have to specify that the AGV has to move to ParkPoint(ControlPoint7) when no item is present on the rack using the following code getactivity(processFlow, "Travel To ParlLocation When No Item To Load"). But, you have mentioned the value as 1.

2) All PickUpPoint should be connected in an order such that, Bay1PickupPoint should be connected first with ControlPoint7 and Bay2PickupPoint should be connected second with ControlPoint7 and so on. This is because we are using the connection as a logic in order to select the PickUpPoint based on the label "Bay" on the item.

For example:

If Item has a label name Bay=2. using the following code "cpconnection(token.Parkcp,"PickupPoints",token.Bay)" i will identify the second PickUpPoint(Bay2PickupPoint) that is connected to ControlPoint7. Then the AGV will travel to Bay2PickupPoint to load the item from Bay2.



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support-rack-1.fsm (34.3 KiB)
zhuqing D avatar image zhuqing D gilbert jerald commented ·

oh,I understand. But now, there is another problem: when I change the "Bay"(Label on the item) in Source,The path of AGV is not change.

For example, the first item that needs to be stocked-out is in the fourth bay,but it is still loaded at the Bay1PickupPoint. It seems that the path of AGV is Bay1PickupPoint, then Bay2PickupPoint and so on.

The model is as follows12052.fsm


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12052.fsm (35.1 KiB)
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