
mark.gormley avatar image
mark.gormley asked Ralf Gruber commented

Animate Bones Directly

Is it possible to use the new functionality to edit bones directly to create new animations for the standard operator? I am trying to do this but find that once I change the bone positions the new positions are applied for all other animations.

I have created an example where i duplicated the walk loaded animation and moved a single bone in the arm to make the 1 hand by his side. This animation itself then works ok, but if i switch back to any other animation (such as the walk animation) the arm is now in this new position and i cant seem to change it. Am I misunderstanding what the directly editing of bones should be used for?

FlexSim 19.0.0
animation creatorbone animationsbone animation
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Ralf Gruber commented

When animating bones directly, the edited bone is applied as an offset after any animation clips.

So if you want the existing animations that use animation clips to be unaltered by your altered bones, add a keyframe to the beginning of those clips where the bones are in reset positions.

You can use the "Reset Bone Positions" menu option to easily set all the bones to their reset positions.

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