
Rowayne S avatar image
Rowayne S asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Use transport with different task executor by destination?

How to allow the task executer to travel to 2 different queues? For example, task executer 1 is at queue 1 followed by task executer 2 at the back of 1. However I want to direct task executer 2 to queue 2 to pick up the items to reduce the picking up time. Is anyone able to help with a simple model?

FlexSim 17.0.13
queuetask executerround robinuse transport
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

In the Use Transport field on the Source change it from always using the first center object to using the center object corresponding to the port the item is going to.


  1. current.centerObjects[1]


  1. current.centerObjects[port]

I also changed the Source's Send to Port field to be Round Robin.


transportbyport.fsm (402.0 KiB)
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