
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst commented

Add option to select custom state profile in dashboard state templates

Hi @jordan.johnson,

Is it possible for you (or have you already done this) to add an extra option to all the state templates in the dashboard options. When you want to see the states of a custom profile you now need to install the template and change the process flow variable "profile". Could you add an option to the gui of the template such that we can select the profile?

The same way as in the old dashboards would be nice,

Thanks in advance,



FlexSim 19.0.0
dashboardsstatescustom state profiletemplatesstate template
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Patrick Zweekhorst commented

Can you post a model with a custom state profile? The state pie/bar charts do have an option for selecting the profile. It works for the multiprocessor, and I am wondering why it doesn't work for your custom profiles.

The state gantt does not allow you to choose profiles yet, but it is on my list of improvements that I would like to make.

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