
Angel Emilio M avatar image
Angel Emilio M asked Angel Emilio M commented

Why Exit and Entry transfer doesnt appear?

Hi everyone.

Im having trubbles when im create a new model, and i make a conveyor. When I place it in the model, the small white box does not appear to select it and edit the properties of the input and output of the material. I have a model where they appear, but when I create or copy the conveyor they disappear.

I hope you can help me with this problem.

FlexSim 19.0.0
conveyor transfer
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Angel Emilio M commented

The transfer depends on the connection to other objects. If you don’t connect the conveyor to a object, then there isn’t a transfer object. If you connect the conveyor to another fixed resource or a conveyor directly then the transfer is automatically created and you get access to the transfer. The type depends on the order of drawing. An object connection to a conveyor is an entry transfer. An object connection from a conveyor is an exit transfer.

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