simu.fsmI this is the flow of a warehouse but I have a problem to create a contraint.
I explain what is my problem.
I would like to create a contraint on the different combiner
-The combiner named "Ligne Lot Panaché" can be used only if the Security Stock HALB 400 >= 1000.
If the Security Stock < 1000, then the combiner is stoped for 1 week.
I create a label "NB" for each HALB 400 in order to count the total of HALB 400 in the warehouse but I don't know how and where put the custom code in order to respect this logic.
And also do you know how to count the number of product of a specific label ?
-It's the same problem with the combiner "Ligne MultiPack" which the Security Stock >= 800
If you have some ideas to help me.