
Bernabe Neri avatar image
Bernabe Neri asked Ben Wilson commented

Error message appears at opening Flexsim "unrecovereable error and must close"

FlexSim 18.2.3
installation errorstartup errorlaunching problems
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Sam Stubbs commented
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Bernabe Neri avatar image Bernabe Neri commented ·
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Bernabe Neri commented ·
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Bernabe Neri avatar image Bernabe Neri Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·
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Michael D6 avatar image
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Michael D6 answered Ben Wilson commented

Adding some information based on my recent experience with this issue. I followed the troubleshoot guide and did not have much luck. I was failing on the initialize Open GL step as well. I did a generic search for similar problems with other software and found that the issue was the use of a USB-C to HDMI adapter I use for running additional displays. When I remove the adapter or alternatively drive the screen directly from the HDMI port on the PC the software has no issues running. This is a work around and not a fix, but wanted to share.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Michael D6 ,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

We'd like to try to replicate this issue. If we can, there is a good chance we could fix this on our end.

I'll connect with you directly for more information.

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