
Libby avatar image
Libby asked Libby commented

How to set flow item location on ASRSVehicle


Hi, I have problem about set item location on ASRSVehicle.

When use "travel to loc" and "move object" to load a pallet, I want to use item.setLocation to change the pallet to the left side or the right side base on item label, but the setLocation function just don't work. Is there any solution?

Attach is my model.

Hope for reply~

FlexSim 18.2.3
asrsvehicleset location
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
Joseph Gillespie answered Libby commented

@Libby W2 It seems that since ASRS Vehicles are custom-built components, it can be difficult to modify their parameters. The setloc() function won’t work to move a flow item that has been moved to an ASRS Vehicle. One workaround, as mentioned as an answer to this question, is to move the pallet to an invisible object and then move that object into the ASRS Vehicle. It will then be possible to move the pallet relative to the invisible object.

Here is your model with some changes added in that make it work: updatedmodel.fsm

Here is another question you can reference for more info: Items on ASRS

updatedmodel.fsm (30.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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