
Aravind D avatar image
Aravind D asked Braydn T commented

Item is not moving on the conveyor


In the attached model, the connection between queues and the conveyors are done through the process flow. After connecting the conveyor with the queue, I am creating boxes in Queue1 and make the boxes to move to Queue2 through the conveyor.

The problem I am facing in the model is, boxes that are created in Queue1 are not flowing on the conveyor to Queue2 even though the connection is made correctly.

Note: The connection between the queue and the conveyor should be done through code only. Because in my project model a single conveyor will be used for different docking queue located in a different location so that I can connect and disconnect the queues with conveyor dynamically.

To run the model for the second time disconnect the connection b/w queue and conveyor manually.


Thanks in advance for your answer

FlexSim 19.1.0
conveyor transfer
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered Braydn T commented

Hey @Aravind D

If you plan on using 3D connections to move flow items through your model they need to be created before the model begins to run

I would recommend just opening and closing the port connections. This will be much easier and you won't have to deal with strange issues like the one you are dealing with and others, like a new port connection every time you run the model.

I have attached a model with the code to open and close the port for Queue1, and you can do this with any number of port connections. You can also do this with triggers within the 3D model.

If you have any more questions about this, tag me @Braydn T with your response.


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