Hi ALL! I want to send items (i have 300 type of items) from a conveyor to 10 different Queues according to their types (maximum content of a queue is 16). Example : If I have 13 items on my conveyor with the types : (1,2,3,4,5,60,80,260,200,160,30,50,60) I want to send the 10 first items to 10 different queues and then send the 2 items type 30 and 50 to a tampon queue so that I dont block the conveyor and then put the item number 13 (type 60) in the queue number 6. Items are released from the queues if a variable called "last one" (an item variable =0 or =1) is equal to 1. The empty queu is then ready to receive the next available (on the conveyor) type of item.
Do youy please have any ideas how to realize this?
Thank you in advance.