
fengcheng L avatar image
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fengcheng L asked CSN answered

A* grid reDraw

After my model ran,i changed location of some fixed resources which are the members of A*,then the barrier of these fixed resources were unusable,maybe i need to update the grid of A*,how can i achieve it?

FlexSim 19.0.5
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CSN avatar image CSN commented ·

Can you combine the model screenshots to make the problem more specific?

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fengcheng L avatar image fengcheng L CSN commented ·

When model time ran to 5, i move this shape which is member of A* from other place ,but as you saw ,the grid it covered still can be allocated instead be regarded as a barrier.

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print.png (143.5 KiB)

1 Answer

CSN avatar image
CSN answered

If you have further questions, you can send an email to [email protected]. We will answer you.

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