
Stephanie Y avatar image
Stephanie Y asked Benjamin W2 commented

How to set logic for two Operators to move totes off of three conveyor lines?

I have three conveyor lines that are transporting totes. Operators need to move totes from the conveyor line to the sink. There are two Operators that primarily stand at and work taking totes off the outside two conveyors. The middle Conveyor is shared by the same two Operators. When a tote comes down the middle line, I would like an Operator to transfer it only if they don't have work at their main line. At the end of each of the three conveyor lines I have a processor that I use to set the pace of the work.

FlexSim 20.0.0
conveyor transfer
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Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered Benjamin W2 commented

@Stephanie Y


Is this what you are looking for? If so, let me know and I will explain how I did it.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Joerg Vogel commented

@Stephanie Y,

Attached is another sample model that is very similar to the one that @Jörg Vogel has already given you. Just maybe another way to see another solution that may help you decide how to use them in your situation. If you need further help, it would be helpful if you attached your model to your question so that we might be able to answer your question specific to your modeling needs.



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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

I don't know how you built your model logic. The basic approach depends on Center Object Connections and automatic created transport Tasksequences. The Tasksequences are dispatched to Task Executer or Dispatcher. They store the Tasksequences in Tasksequencequeues. A Dispatcher transfers a Taskesequence only to a Task Executer that is available to receive Tasksequences. This happens, if the Task Executers' Tasksequencequeue is empty and the current active Tasksequence has been finished.

A Dispatcher is connected to Task Executers by an Object Connection ("A"-Type).


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