
christoph gruber avatar image
christoph gruber asked christoph gruber commented

How to find the nearest AGV

Hi , I tried to find the AGV with the shortst way to the next order.

My AGV logic is a little bit similar to the AGV-Modul, but without NextLockForWork points. Because every time when an AGV as unloaded an item, he have to look in the worklist for the next order. If all AGVs are parked and a new order is comming in, the AGV with the shortest way should be selected. In my Demo-model Taskexecuter2 should take the order but how can I find the next parked AGV in a model from the pickup point Queue2? If Taskexecuter2 has pickup the item he has to push Taskexecuter1 to the next parkpoint (all parkpoints in my real model are on the traveler path - see also my probelm/post


Someone have an idea? Thanks a lot!

FlexSim 19.2.4
agvagv network
nearest-agv.png (285.3 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered christoph gruber commented
· 3
5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

christoph gruber avatar image christoph gruber commented ·

Thanks @Braydn T

for the link. But is this a good posibility for a complex system with 5 cycels, mulitple posibillties to reach the aim and up to 10 AGVs? I have to calculate every posibility? Is there no parameter like "CP.distance" from one Controlpoint to an other or one object to an other object in flexsim network calculator? Finally "inner flexsim navigator" have to calculate also a way from on point to an other. Is there no possibility to find the distance between two Controlpoints with the help from a list query?

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T christoph gruber commented ·
@christoph gruber

The developers are currently adding a way to do this easier.

I can think of two options:

One would be to use that command and some script or the comment phil made in the other post to iterate through all CPs, add them to a table, and then query that way. Additionally, if you have multiple paths, you may need to use some algorithm like prim's or kruskal's to find the shortest span tree depending on your application.

The second would be to identify the spots that will need to call an AGV, and then have them know which parking spots are closest, and then look for AGVs in those spots in descending order.

I am sorry I can't come up with a more elegant solution, but hopefully these changes will make it into the software for the next update, and make it easier to find paths like this.

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christoph gruber avatar image christoph gruber Braydn T commented ·

Thanks a lot @Braydn T for your effort.

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