
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked King-Ki F commented

Throughput Calculation via Token


I'm trying to determine how long it takes to pick an order from start to finish within my process flows. My process flows take an order

  1. Splits the order
  2. Processes the split order in different processes
  3. Merges the order back into a rack

I'm trying to calculate the time it takes from Step 1 to Step 3, but the throughput charts only allow me to select a 3D-object and I need to be able to capture the time the token flows through my process flows. I read up a bit on Zone, but there isn't a age() function like in list. Is there another way to capture the statistic in a process flow?

FlexSim 20.0.2
process flowstatistics
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
1 Like"
Brandon Peterson answered King-Ki F commented

@King-Ki F

If you have your order enter a zone at the start of picking and then exit the zone at the end of picking then you can get to the zones statistics by clicking on the statistics button in the Quick Properties Tab.

In that GUI you can then click on the Pin icon next to the Stay time values to pin the graph in a dashboard. Here is a picture of a sample with the dashboard that you get.

I hope this answers your question,


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