
Luis Guillermo AAR avatar image
Luis Guillermo AAR asked tannerp commented

How to use the Combiner

Hello, I am new to using flexsim and I am designing the process of a factory for balancing animals, and I do not know how to program the combiner so that it resides a specific quantity of each material that is needed for each of the products.

I need to make three types of products, so I need the combiner to have the necessary quantity for each of the products. I don't know if there is the possibility of using tables with a specific time or quantity.

Attached is the model I am trying to test, thanks for help!

Factory of balanced animals.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1combiner component listproducts
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Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered

Hi @Luis Fernando HNM,

Check out this question:

I think this will have all the info you need.

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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

@Luis Guillermo AAR,

The combiner pulls products from each of its input ports. So, you need to make sure each of the input ports is properly stocked.

You can achieve this using an Arrival Schedule in your source objects rather than an Inter-Arrival Time. Or, if you have other events in the model that should trigger a "re-stock" of these items, you could trigger the creation of items that way instead. There's a variety of things that could work.

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