
sara S2 avatar image
sara S2 asked sara S2 commented

Troubles in the triggering tokens and query order.

Hello, I am trying to model an industrial replenishement process that is the following: (FlexSim 19.0.0)

Totes on "Rack15" are filled in combiner2 and sent on "Rack19" and "Rack31". At the begining there is no query for the totes replenishement. so we use "Pull from List0" activity. when the totes on "Rack19" and "Rack31" are becoming empty, they are sent back on the "Rack15" for replenishement. this time totes are selected according to the query "ORDER BY SC ASC". this time we use "Pull from List OPMP" ("Pull from List0" and "Pull from List OPMP" are just used for cases separation as required by the industrail process). I put "Acquire OPMP" activity before "Pull from List OPMP" in order to apply the mentionned query. But, I encouter two problems:

1- tokens are pulled from "Acquire OPMP" activity according to their arrival order, they don't correspond to the selected tote (see figure 1 and figure 2; this problem starts from the case 3 in figure 2 where the "itemstype" corresponding to the selected tote is 1 while this tote was filled by boxes of type 3 that corresponds to the third token "SItemsType" label value).

2- the query is not correctely applied for all totes:

- At 302.28 minutes, the tote having the "SC" value equal to 367.15 is selected while there is a tote on the "rack15" which has a lowest "SC" value (equal to 273.47). (Figure 3).

- At 320.98 minutes, the tote having the "SC" value equal to 377.25 is selected, then the tote having the "SC" value equal to 387.56 is selected while there is a tote on the "rack15" which has a lowest "SC" value (equal to 275.74).

- At 342.93 minutes, the tote having the "SC" value equal to 397.66 is selected while there is a tote on the "rack15" which has a lowest "SC" value (equal to 276.89).

- At 355.00 minutes, the tote having the "SC" value equal to 407.65 is selected while there is a tote on the "rack15" which has a lowest "SC" value (equal to 278.02).

Please help me to fix this.



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FlexSim 19.0.9
process flowqueryflexsim 19.0.9
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered sara S2 commented

@sara S2,

I took a look at your model and found a couple things that need to be addressed:

1) The Acquire OPMP activity is assigning a resource to token.resource. Then, further along in the Process Flow, you're assigning a new token.resource without releasing the first one. These need to be assigned to different labels if you're going to acquire more than one resource at a time. For example, assign one to token.OPMP and the other to token.resource.

2) The "CUDB" table does show that there are items with an SC value of 302.28 minutes, but the item list from which you are pulling does not have those items. This discrepancy is shown in the image below. You need to verify that all the items in the "CUDB" table are being pushed to the list if you want to pull from that pool. Otherwise, the "ORDER BY SC ASC" query is working correctly.

If you fix these things, I think your model will run closer to how you want.

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