
Raul V3 avatar image
Raul V3 asked Phil BoBo edited

AGV Battery level examples

Hi team,

Im doing a model where i need to recommend the Optimun number of AGVs considering the battery level and some other restrictions...and I was waching the turorials in Flexsim but i didn't find the example models.

Could you please help me to provide the example models regarding AGV please? and if you have any other example that you can provide will be appreciate.

Thx a lot


FlexSim 20.1.3
agvflexsim 20.1.3battery charge
1598460823492.png (7.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Those tutorials were written by a technical writer who no longer works for us. I'm not sure if anyone has the original models that she built while writing the tutorials. You may need to actually go through the steps of the tutorial to build the model instead of opening a pre-built version of it.

The following article has an example model that demonstrates the AGV templates:

Here's a copy of that model that I updated to 20.0 a while ago: 896-agvtemplateprocessflow_2.fsm

5 |100000

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