
Andy avatar image
Andy asked Andy edited

How can I simulate a two-claw robot?

Dear all,

I am trying to use Process Flow to simulate a two-claw robot , but I am not sure how to do it in the first step. Could anyone give me some clues on the simulation?

Thank you very much.

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0kinematicsrobot movementrobotsclaw
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zacharyh avatar image
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zacharyh answered Andy edited

@jamin.c Follow this link to see how someone else answered this question. You can find the model (8005-dualendeffector-1) in the accepted answer.

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Philip Diem avatar image
Philip Diem answered Andy commented

Hi Jamin

There is a tutorial about coordinated task sequences in the Help of FlexSim.
I would look through that for a start.
Its under "Working With Task Executers"


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