
Glenys C avatar image
Glenys C asked Glenys C commented

Flowitem only goes to one conveyor

Hello, I currently have 1 conveyor that sends flowitems to 2 other conveyors. However, flowitems only goes to conveyor1 even though conveyor2 is empty. Have attached a picture for better reference. I am unable to attach my file as it exceeds the allowable upload size please do let me know if you would like for me to email it instead. Thank you!

FlexSim 20.2.1
conveyorsflexsim 20.2.1
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Glenys C commented
In the DP onArrival you're probably referring to a centerObject or outObject connection on the DP that doesn't exist. You can see that in the system console. Check your connections and if needed add a breakpoint to the onArrival trigger and step through your code.
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Glenys C commented

I suggest a different layout. One single straight conveyor from multiprocessor to combiner packaging72. A side transfer normal attached conveyor for the diversion to the other combiner.

The decision point logic looks only for items which are leaving the first straight conveyor and if the condition is true, then the item is sent to a decision point on the normal attached conveyor,

The deciding decision point on the first conveyor is quite a bit in a distance to the side transfer, not near to the point of exiting. The connected decision point is quite in the middle on his conveyor.

If you need your design for special circumstances, you haven’t described, then it would be a nice move to attach a model, otherwise we guess what might gone wrong, until by chance we find the right answer for you.

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