
Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber asked Phil BoBo edited

Do animation clips apply to bone animations only?


I have a client who created a simple animation in Blender and tries to use that in FlexSim to animate a fixed resource (see attached Animated Pillar.fbx). Windows 10´s 3D Viewer plays the fbx file correctly, zoom out a little, though. When trying to load it into FlexSim, the 3D shape is shown correctly after assigning it to the fixed resource, but I was not able to play the animation in the animation clips window, although animations were available in the dropdown list. My question:
Is the Animation Clips functionality designed for objects with bone animations only? If not, how can I use it to apply a none-bone animation to a fixed resource?


FlexSim 21.1.4
animationbone animationanimation clips
animated-pillar.fbx (26.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

FlexSim does not import basic solid animations from FBX files, only bone animations.

If you want to import basic object animations, you'll need to add a bone to the mesh and animate the bone instead of animating the mesh directly.

Alternatively, you could import the shapes as components of the object and use FlexSim's animator to animate them.

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