
J avatar image
J asked J commented

Something about module sdk and dll

I'm doing the module sdk and dll through the user manual. But I'm confused with some step.

Below is where I am now. I don't know how to do this part. I even can't find out how to clear object's variables sub-tree.... Can somebody give me some hints. I'm in a hurry. Much thanks.


FlexSim 20.0.10
module sdkdllmodulesdll c++
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered J commented

I haven't worked with the module SDK before but I can hopefully help you with those steps.

The library is located in the "Main" tree. You can insert new nodes into the tree by right clicking on an existing node and (under "Node") choosing "Insert After" (inserts a new node at the same relative level, directly after the selected one - shortcut "Spacebar") or "Insert Into" (creates a new subnode in the selected node - shortcut "Enter").

I believe "clearing" means to simply delete all subnodes inside the "variables" and "behaviour" nodes. Mark all subnodes by holding "Shift" and dragging the selection box across, then hit "Delete/Del".


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