
Michael D6 avatar image
Michael D6 asked Michael D6 commented

Queue Dropoff and Robot Load

Attached is a simple example I have two questions on:

1. I want to load from a conveyor to an AGV. I need both the box and the AGV to be in position to load the box. In my model currently i made the boxes arrive fast enough to show the issue with my process flow in that the robot load happens when the box hits the decision point so it gets hung on the wait for box to arrive when it loops back. I am looking for recommendations on how to either wait for event if there is no box or alternatively move forward if there is already a box? I guess I dont know how to bypass that wait for event if a box is present.

2. I currently have a round robin decide which determines which queue to drop off the box. I set this up fairly manually. Is this the best way to spread out the drop off between points or is a list or other function a better method if I had a lot more drop off points?Simple Example Arrival and Dropoff.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Michael D6 commented

Instead of using a Wait for Event for the items you should probably use an Event-triggered Source.


In the attached model when an item arrives at the decision point it creates a token in the flow which pushes the item to a list. It then waits for an AGV to come around and pull it off the list.

As for question 2, lists are usually the most versatile and powerful solution. I have an example in the model where the AGV finds the queue with the least items in it by pulling from a list of the available queues.

simpleagvloop.fsm (187.7 KiB)
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Michael D6 avatar image Michael D6 commented ·
@Matthew Gillespie This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the help.

I would not have thought to use a list this way with the conveyor items.

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