
Oscar C13 avatar image
Oscar C13 asked José Antonio MD commented

Write a usage time in a table

I wanted to be able to write in a table, the time that a processor has been used, but I don´t know what code I have to use in the table to be able to refer to the processing time.

I did this but I don´t know if there is a better way.

FlexSim 21.2.2
global tableprocess time
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

I have two solutions added. I evaluate the staytime twice: first in Processfinish trigger, second by Process Flow:

  1. Model.time-getentrytime(item) // Trigger value for a new row
  2. Model.time-getentrytime(token.item) // Process Flow for a new row value

Second solution: a label at processor sets a process time

I read this label value. I need a reference to involved processor which I assign in previous event driven source activity to a token label: token.Processor

  1. token.Processor.myCurrentProcessTime // read label value for a new row

You will choose a template in a trigger or in Process Flow for a Custom Code activity



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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
In Global Table Quick Properties you can add a behavior what happens On Reset. I have chosen "delete all rows".
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José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered José Antonio MD commented

Hello @Oscar C13,

You can use the code "getTotalTimeAt". For example:

  1. Object P=Model.find("Processor1");
  2. return P.stats.state().getTotalTimeAt(2);

You can find more examples in the forum: How to get the collecting time of a process flow Sink from its tree ? - FlexSim Community .

I hope I have been helpful.

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Oscar C13 avatar image Oscar C13 commented ·

Thanks, I understand,
but if I put this code in the "Code Editor" it doesn´t work well.


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José Antonio MD avatar image José Antonio MD Oscar C13 commented ·

This codeI posted is the same used by statistic collector. However, you don't use the same code I sent to you (P.stats.state().getTotalTimeAt(2) ), you use P.stats.state().getTotalTimeAt("2") . You use a text, that is the reason why your model does not work.

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