
Harish G avatar image
Harish G asked Harish G commented

Two types of products going into one processor

Hello everyone,

I am stuck with a problem which involves 2 types of products from separate sources which goes through inspection and then to the same rack, where it cures for 4 hrs, from where it goes into the processor, through to the queue where it accumulates in batch of 4 before it is dispatched.

The following are the constraints which I am figuring out how to add into the model:

1. Eg: When the PalletMB1 is empty, the processor should evaluate if pulling more of same type1 will be able to produce a full batch of 12, coz we don't want partial batches. If it can't, then it should switch to pulling Type 2 product from the rack and do the same evaluation. If both types can't result in full batch, the model should stop the processor and start filling the rack to full with both product types and then continue this.

2. There is a changeover time of 15 minutes at the processor, when it switches from on type to another. So, in order to minimize this it should run type 1 parts completely before switching to type 2, satisfying the above constraints.

Please see attached the model image for your reference. Thanks for your kind help!


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Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Harish G commented

Hi @Harish G,

I created an example model that demonstrates one way to accomplish the objectives you outlined in your question. I've attached an image of my model below: screenshot-2022-03-14-175945.png

The upper portion (outlined in red) uses an event-triggered source to create a new token for each item that enters the rack, then uses a Batch activity to group them by Type. The token is then pushed to a list. The bottom portion (outlined in blue) has one token to represent the processor downstream. The processor pulls one batch from the list at a time and processes the batch one item at a time (sub flow outlined in green). Then, after it has completed processing that batch, it attempts to pull the next batch from the list using a query that specifies the same type as the batch that was just processed. screenshot-2022-03-14-180058.png

If the processor is unable to pull a batch of the same type, then it just pulls any available batch.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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Harish G avatar image
Harish G answered Harish G commented

Hi @Ryan Clark & @Felix Möhlmann,

I created a slot assignment in the rack spaces with certain spaces allotted for certain product. Then, I created the slot assignment strategy to be matching labels. Then when I ran the model in the first iteration it runs fine and in the second it gets stuck at the processor (Inspection) and the process flow gets stuck at waiting for rack full, even though rack spaces are available. Please help me with this and see the model attached. Thanks!

flexsim-new Model_3.28 - Copy.fsm


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