
Maíra A avatar image
Maíra A asked Maíra A commented

How to collect the rail status


I'm running some tests at the railworks library and I'd like to know when there is a train in the rail to use this information into the processflow, like collecting the rail status or something. Is there a fuction that can help me to get this information? Like a label that show the number related to the rail status (have a train or not).

I've already tryed using the: "Model.find("Rail2").subnodes.length".


FlexSim 22.2.0
railworksobject statusrail
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1 Answer

Lucas Klein avatar image
Lucas Klein answered Maíra A commented

Hi Maira,

Today we don't have a way to collect that status, if you are trying to display some statistics in a dashboard we have a specific section of dashboards templates in the Dashboard Library, but if you are trying to use it to control the movement of simultaneous locomotives, you can use the resource or zone in ProcessFlow to manage the access to a shared rail.

If you encounter any difficulties to build a model using railworks, find any bugs during the execution or have some suggestions to improve the module, please feel free to contact us at:

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