
Ankith T avatar image
Ankith T asked Jason Lightfoot answered

How to get the agv state information using custom code ?


I used process flow to determine the operation of an AGV such as travel, load, unload. I would like to know what is the state of an AGV using custom code so that i can decide where my token needs to go next.


For example as seen in the attached image, the selected AGV is blocked. i would like to check that using the custom code in decide function.

FlexSim 21.1.5
agvcustomcodeagv state
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

If you agvs are members of an object process flow then the state can be found using:

current.stats.state().valueString   //returns eg.  "idle"


current.stats.state().value   //returns eg.  1  or STATE_IDLE

Otherwise substitute current with a pointer to your agv object - eg token.agv

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